References for web development

Tutorials and references

W3Schools References and tutorials for many programming languages and areas of application (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, C#, Kotlin, Go, Node.js, PHP and many more).

W3Schools How To – Code snippets for HTML, CSS and JavaScript Test and try code snippets

Mozilla Developer Network : Learn web development

Mozilla Developer Network : Web technology for developers

HTML symbols, entities, characters and codes


HTML5 und CSS3 : das umfassende Handbuch von Jürgen Wolf (EBook via our library available)

JavaScript: The Definitve Guide (5th Edition) by David Flanagan.

CSS Frameworks

Flexboxgrid — A grid system based on the flex display property.

Bulma — Free, open source, and modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.

Bootstrap — Build fast, responsive sites with Bootstrap.

Tailwind CSS – Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.

JavaScript Libraries


Split.js – Split/ Grid layout

Free Wall – Dynamic grid layout

Justified.js – Image layout

Isotope – Filter & sort magical layouts

FilterizR – Create responsive galleries


UIkit – Lightwight and modular front-end framework

Awesome Cursor – FontAwesome icons as custom CSS cursors

Superfish – Drop-down menu

jQuery UI – UI components on top of jQuery

Dragula – Drag and drop so simple it hurts

Draggable JS – JavaScript drag and drop library

Rellax – Vanilla Javascript Parallax Library

AOS – Animate on scroll

ScrollMagic – The javascript library for magical scroll interactions

ScrollSpy – Scrollspy in pure JS

Hammer.JS - Add touch gestures to your web app

TwentyTwenty — Highlight differences between two images


anime.js — JavaScript animation engine


LeaderLine – Draw lines between elements

vis.js – A dynamic, browser based visualization library

Chart.js – Open source HTML5 Charts for your website

Paper.js — The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting


Plyr – A simple, customizable HTML5 Video, Audio, YouTube and Vimeo player

jQuery Collapser – Expand, collapse plugin (for text)

MediumEditor – The dead simple inline editor toolbar

Quill – Your powerful rich text editor

Highlight.js – Syntax highlighting for the Web

A-Frame - A web framework for building 3D/AR/VR experiences

RiTa — Generative language tools (Markov)


ImgMapper - Generate Responsive Image Maps

CSS Gradient — Generator, Maker, and Background

Local server with PHP


Suitable for all OS.

LAMP etc

LAMP for Linux

WAMP for Windows

MAMP for Mac

PHP Tools

For Visual Studio (if you use that editor)

Static page builder


  • simple to get started

  • faster than Jekyll, but comes with less plug-ins

  • templating engine is based on Go

hugo-book Book theme


  • Vue framework, thus requires knowledge of vue.js


  • powered by Node.js


  • powered by node.js

  • uses React and requires knowledge of it

  • the entire page is downloaded

Jupyter Book

  • intended to create books and Web pages from computational material

  • can combine Markdown-files and Jupyter Notebooks

  • used to generate this book