CSS Frameworks

Based on these overview we’ll work with Bulma.

  • It’s easy to get started

  • It does not need JavaScript

  • It’s not as big as Bootstrap

Let’s have a look at the video on the page to see what a css framework/ Bulma in particular is/ does.

Bulma is advertised with “No CSS knowledge required”. This is true as we just need to know the class names that we have to insert into our html document to use the external CSS.

Sublime package

There is a package for Sublime that will help to insert the class names through autocompletions: Bulma CSS Framework Autocomplete


Create a new project folder and use the starter template as index.html.

If you prefer working with local files or the CDN does not work with your environment, download the css file from the page and include it into the <head>.

Inspect the result to see what the css file of Bulma does.

See the chapters Section and Container.

Insert your own stylesheet and override some of the properties set by Bulma.


The main functionality of most frameworks is a responsive layout, mostly with columns.


