

After an introduction with some sample works of electronic literature and text generation, we will setup our programming environment (Conda, Python, Jupyter Notebooks). We’ll notice that code is text, before we’ll start creating our own texts. In the beginning with very simple methods like random picking of characters or words, towards more advanced methods like Markov Chains, finishing with state of the art transformer-based neural networks (GPT-Neo). We will not look at the code of the neural net in detail, nor will we understand it, but at least we will try to get a grip on the technology by playing with it.

Programming topics we’ll cover:

  • Variables

  • Data types (string, int, float)

  • Composite data types (list, dictionary, set, tuple)

  • Control flow (for & while loops)

  • Conditionals (if … elif … else)

  • Booleans (True, False)

  • Functions

  • Modules, Libraries

  • (OOP)

Your output:

Code + Text