References for Python

Tutorials / Books

Python Tutorial at W3Schools W3Schools provides references and tutorials for many programming languages and areas of application (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, C#, Kotlin, Go, Node.js, PHP and many more).

The Python Tutorial at

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

Shaw: Learn Python3 the Hard Way


Python Package Index Official repository of software for Python.

Awesome Python A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

Text processing

TextBlob – Simplified Text Processing

Translate API – Access several translation interfaces

Markovify – A simple, extensible Markov chain generator

PDF Generation

fpdf2 – PDF document generation

PageBot – Scripted page layout framework

PDF Extraction

pdfplumber – Extract information and content of a pdf.

PyPDF2 – PDF Toolkit.

pdfminer.six – PDF parser and analyzer. Successor of PDFMiner – Text extraction tool.

Web scraper/ parser

BeautifulSoup ‒ Scrape information from websites

mediawiki – Scrape wiki pages

mwparserfromhell ‒ Parser for MediaWiki wikicode.

Selenium – Automate web browser interaction


pyimgui – Wrapper for Dear imgui

DearPyGui – A simple Python GUI Toolkit


PyAutoGUI – Automate interactions with other applications


pyprind – Python Progress Indicator