# References for web development ## Tutorials and references [W3Schools](https://www.w3schools.com/) References and tutorials for many programming languages and areas of application (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, C#, Kotlin, Go, Node.js, PHP and many more). [CSS-Tricks.com](https://css-tricks.com/) [Mozilla Developer Network : Learn web development](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn) [Mozilla Developer Network : Web technology for developers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web) [HTML symbols, entities, characters and codes](https://www.toptal.com/designers/htmlarrows/) [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) ### Books HTML5 und CSS3 : das umfassende Handbuch von Jürgen Wolf (EBook via our library available) JavaScript: The Definitve Guide (5th Edition) by David Flanagan. ## JavaScript Libraries ### Layout [Split.js](https://split.js.org/) – Split/ Grid layout [Free Wall](http://kombai.github.io/freewall/) – Dynamic grid layout [Justified.js](http://nitinhayaran.github.io/Justified.js/demo/) – Image layout [Isotope](https://isotope.metafizzy.co/) – Filter & sort magical layouts [FilterizR](https://yiotis.net/filterizr/) – Create responsive galleries ### UI [Awesome Cursor](https://jwarby.github.io/jquery-awesome-cursor/) – FontAwesome icons as custom CSS cursors [Superfish](https://superfish.joelbirch.design/) – Drop-down menu [jQuery UI](http://jqueryui.com/) – UI components on top of jQuery [Dragula](https://bevacqua.github.io/dragula/) – Drag and drop so simple it hurts [Draggable JS](https://shopify.github.io/draggable/) – JavaScript drag and drop library [ScrollReveal](https://scrollrevealjs.org/) – Animate elements when they enter/leave the viewport [Rellax](https://dixonandmoe.com/rellax/) – Vanilla Javascript Parallax Library [AOS](https://michalsnik.github.io/aos/) – Animate on scroll [ScrollMagic](https://scrollmagic.io/) – The javascript library for magical scroll interactions [Nicescroll](https://nicescroll.areaaperta.com/demo/) – Custom scroll bar ### Gallery [Swiper](https://swiperjs.com/) – The Most Modern Mobile Touch Slider [PhotoSwipe](https://photoswipe.com/) – Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery [Fotorama](https://fotorama.io/) – Simple and Powerful Responsive jQuery Image Gallery [baguetteBox.js](https://feimosi.github.io/baguetteBox.js/) – Simple and easy to use lightbox [Zoom.js](https://fat.github.io/zoom.js/) – Image Zoom [Backstretch](https://www.jquery-backstretch.com/) – Changing responsive background image ### Misc [Chart.js](https://www.chartjs.org) – Open source HTML5 Charts for your website [Plyr](https://plyr.io/) – A simple, customizable HTML5 Video, Audio, YouTube and Vimeo player [jQuery Collapser](https://github.com/vaakash/jquery-collapser) – Expand, collapse plugin (for text) [MediumEditor](https://yabwe.github.io/medium-editor/) – The dead simple inline editor toolbar [Quill](https://quilljs.com/) – Your powerful rich text editor ## Static page builder ### Jekyll [jekyllrb.com](https://jekyllrb.com/) ### Hugo [gohugo.io](https://gohugo.io/) - simple to get started - faster than Jekyll, but comes with less plug-ins - templating engine is based on Go ### Nuxt.js [nuxtjs.org](https://nuxtjs.org/) - Vue framework, thus requires knowledge of vue.js ### Hexo [hexo.io](https://hexo.io/) - powered by Node.js ### Gatsby - powered by node.js - uses React and requires knowledge of it - the entire page is downloaded ### Jupyter Book [jupyterbook.org](https://jupyterbook.org/intro.html) - intended to create books and Web pages from computational material - can combine Markdown-files and Jupyter Notebooks - used to generate this book ### Comparison https://itsfoss.com/open-source-static-site-generators/ https://jamstack.org/generators/ ## CMS Bolt [Kirby](https://getkirby.com) (99.- per site) [Beispiel GD Uni Weimar](https://herbert.gd) [WinterCMS](https://wintercms.com/)