# Head Example of a typical head. This part contains meta data about your Web page and imports CSS stylesheets, JavaScript libraries. ``` html Title of your page ``` To help the browser display the page, we should add a `` declaration before the `` tag. ``` html ``` We can specify the language and location of the Web page with the lang attribute. The first value is the language code, the second the country code. ```html ``` [Language Codes](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp) [Country Codes](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_country_codes.asp) ```html ``` The `viewport` information is important to render your page good on different screen sizes (laptop, mobile devices): ```html ``` ```html ``` Refreshing a page through the meta tag is probably more useful for development or experimental pages. There are more sophisticated methods for dynamic web pages. ## Property Properties are used to define structured information, which can be accessed by other services, for example when you share a link via a messenger or social media. ```html ``` The properties defined will lead to a different preview of your page when you share it. See the difference on the following pages (and inspect them if you're interested.) ![meta_property_share](img/meta_property_share.jpg)
**Image Dimensions** Facebook recommends images of at least 1200 x 630px (landscape format). Other pages/ services use a square format instead, so it's recommended to use images of at least 1200 x 1200 px. Then it will be cropped by facebook to 1200 x 630 px, so make sure that your square image looks good if it's cropped to that ratio.